I had never made applesauce before but I have made it twice in 3 days. Here is the thing with many of the apple recipes I have read. They say to use 4 apples but all apples are not the same size. The Crispins were the size of Mia's head. I wish they would use cups but they don't. Since I used more apples, I doubled the recipe but the 1st time it wasn't very sweet because the 2 lemons made it too tart. So no matter how many apples you put in be cautious with the lemon. The second batch was much sweeter with double everything but only 1 lemon. It also looks like a lot of apples but it cooks down to barely anything, you will be shocked.
Crockpot Applesauce
borrowed from A Year of Slow Cooking
--4 large apples, skinned ,cored, and cut in quarters
--juice from 1 lemon
--1/2 tsp cinnamon
--1 tsp vanilla
--1 T brown sugar
--1/4 cup H20
The Directions.
I used a 4 quart crockpot for the applesauce.
Skin, core, and cut your apples into quarters.
Plop the pieces into your crockpot.
Add the juice from the lemon, and the water.
Pour in the vanilla, and add the cinnamon and brown sugar.
Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours.
When the apples are super tender, mash with a potato masher or large fork.
My apples were very tender after 6 hours, and I used a fork.
Go apples picking if you never have. Get the apples off the tree and then go home and make this applesauce. It is like nothing you can get in the store.
okay, seriously? yum!!! easiest thing in the world and sooooooo good!